What instrument(s) do you record yourself when making music

Yep, I’m putting this next on my list and buy a Japanese shakuhachi flute to go with it—maybe make an album of Zen meditation stuff :smile:


Looking forward to hear how you incorporate your own instrument performances into your music! :slight_smile:

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in some composition, i record instrument in order to create sound or noise for sound design
for a video i have recorded my violin, my voice when speacking and making noise with my mouth, or some sound effect hitting metal, glasses and others things
here is my video to illustrate that :

when the rabbit bend the bow, it is my violin on open string in sforzando near ponticello, then pitched lower


As you know I own a plethora of instruments. In nearly every track I try to have at least one instrument that is real.

Here’s the list of instruments I have which I sometimes use.

Tim whistle, Chinese whistle, violin (badly), steel drums, glockenspiel, tambourine, shakers, cajon, cabassa, harmonica, various drum sticks (used for tik taks), marimba, melodica, whistle (mainly use it for SFX and drops), various guitar pedals that I programme sounds with, guitar (both acoustic and electric, my first instrument), bass, double bass (sometimes), cello that I borrow from a friend occasionally, chimes, ukulele, piano, percussive wooden frog thing that comes in handy more times than I care to admit :sweat_smile: and a Welsh harp called a Lyre. :smiley: it’s safe to say that I LOVE real instruments :smiley:


Jealous. I have my guitars, violin and a French horn, but no real capability to record the acoustic ones. :cry: Got to get over to your discord more often, but I work too much. No time for “me”

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Oh wow, you must have a huge space to be able to have all those instruments in your studio! :stuck_out_tongue:

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