Trio for Flute, Viola and Cello

This is a trio for flute, viola and cello, virtually recorded.

Creative Vision for the Track: The Trio was created for the somewhat unusual ensemble, since there are not so many pieces for these 3 instruments out there. It has been picked up so far by 3 professional ensembles and 2 of them already perform it.

Composition Details (Tempo, Key, Main Chords etc): the piece consists of 4 parts, each in a different modus (whole tone scale, Dorian scale, 8-tone scale and Zigane scale). The 3 instruments play an equally important role. Due to the modi, the harmonies sometimes sound a little ā€˜surprisingā€™ or unusual. C is the overall tone center.

Main Instruments used: flute, viola and cello

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This is fantastic, super fun trioā€¦ Iā€™ll definitely be coming back to this one, and as an extension Iā€™m curious about your other work now.

Thanks, William. If youā€™re interested, you can find most of my (recent) works on Soundcloud and some on Youtube.
My preferred style is Neo-romanticism. But I like classical and baroque style as well (ass you can hear in my ā€œBalletto delā€™Asinoā€).
My latest composition (first part) starts with a very baroque-like theme to create an atmospghere of longing to the past. (The second part is almost ready, but I will first create a decent midi mockup before launching it.)


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