Re-imagining of a Cat Stevens Song

Genre/Style: Singer/Songwriter ala Stu
Creative Vision for the Track: This year, I’ve been recreating other people’s work and having a blast doing it. This is a remake of my favorite Cat Stevens Song, “The Wind” albeit a little more electro than the original.

Composition Details (Tempo, Key, Main Chords etc): Key of D Major, with an interesting chorus that has 4/4, 5/4 and 2/4 interchanges - really works.

Main Instruments used: UJAM Candy, Apple Drums, Arturia and Kontakt Instruments - Bass is real (Me playing). Hadyn and Natalie from Dreamtronics are singing. Amazing tech.

Hope you enjoy - feedback welcomed and appreciated.

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How utterly delightful. Uplifting and pleasurable in the midst of a troubled world. Thanks!

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