Piano Chord Chart (Free Guide)

Hello Composers, Mike here! :slight_smile:
I created this chord chart as a reference guide for all composers:

Chord Type Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Major Triad R +4 +3
Minor Triad R +3 +4
Diminished Triad R +3 +3
Augmented Triad R +4 +4
Suspended 2nd R +2 +5
Suspended 4th R +5 +2
Major 6th R +4 +3 +2
Minor 6th R +3 +4 +2
Dominant 7th R +4 +3 +3
Major 7th R +4 +3 +4
Minor 7th R +3 +4 +3
Minor-Major 7th R +3 +4 +4
Diminished 7th R +3 +3 +3
Half-Diminished 7th R +3 +3 +4
Augmented 7th R +4 +4 +2
Augmented Major 7th R +4 +4 +3
Dominant 9th R +4 +3 +3 +4
Major 9th R +4 +3 +4 +3
Minor 9th R +3 +4 +3 +4
6/9 chord R +4 +3 +2 +5
Add 9th R +4 +3 +7

How to read this chart? R = Root key of the chord. The numbers that follow after “R” are the number of keys (half steps) you need to step to the right to get to the next note in the chord.

Note that all chord formulas and chord examples are in “root position”, and that you can also color the chords by moving any note in the chord to another octave. This is called “voicing the chord”.



Mike that’s awesome I will try that theses out and if I have any questions I post here

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