My recent ambient composition for piano and strings

Hi, Here is my recent orchestral composition for piano and strings. it is written in Emin. I start the progression with C2, them move to Emin64, agaon C2 and Emin 64, Am35, Emin35; The progressions stays the same till the culmination part with the brass, when it is as follows: C7,D35,C7.D35,Am6, B7, C7, Am35,Emin35. The tempo is 120. I wrote it as an ambient track which may be used as a soundtrack. I used no percussion in the most part and used a piano riff instead. In the part with the brass and strings I used low percussion and some cinematic toms. My aim was to use intense and quiet parts to achieve a contrast in texture and velocity and reach culmination in the final part where both strings, brass and woodwinds play a tutti.

Here is the link


Hey Julia this is great. Really enjoy the little details in the string samples, plus the string orchestration is good!

I thought you could add more movement in the string at the start, the dynamics are very stagnant so this might be something to improve on.

Loved the rising dynamics of the high string stac after the piano first enters. Really well done. Hope this helps. Everything else was spot on :grinning::smiley:

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thank you Geoffrey, I will definitely tweak with dynamics on strings… i think they sound kind of flat too… may be expression too…

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Yes I’d play about with the modulation automation and have them swelling a more :slight_smile: flbug it’s very good!!

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Geoffrey, thank you for your constructive critique. I am a beginner and started writing music two years ago using Ableton. I finished music school asa kid and wrote my first song at the age of 15. I kept on writing music later in my life but mostly on note sheets. Now it is much faster to write digitally.

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That’s great Julia!

Anytime you’d like any feedback please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m very happy to help.

I found here more helpful comments than on FB forum Composer challenges where a dude called my melodies simple… but I am who I am you know… it doesn’t help me to become a better composer… so I moved here and I like Mike’s courses as I bought 5 of them


A simplistic approach to melody writing isn’t a bad thing, it’s a stylistic choice. So if someone does call your melodies simple then just remember that it’s his lack of understanding that’s askew, not yours. Melodies come to us and we roll with them… it’s as simple as that. It’s your choice what artistic elements to include and that includes melody! Your melody was great. Don’t let other opinions pull you down!

I write a lot of trailer music and the melodies in that are non existent. I’d have quit long ago if I’d listened to others about my melodic writing in that genre :wink:

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I believe the power of melodies mainly comes from the emotion and expression you add into them. Even the most simple melodies can carry so much emotion! :slight_smile:

Constructive feedback is one thing (and always good to get), but don’t listen to people that simply tries to push you down.


Totally agree Mikael!

A good melody hits you between the eyes doesnt it! I often think of the film gladiator for amazing melodies. So much power in those themes!


I believe the same thing is true for all elements of music, the emotion comes from how you play and perform your parts. Often the most simple I-IV-V focused themes are also the most memorable, because they are so intimately familiar to us. Such as The Shire theme from LOTR for example. So simple, but so idyllic/romantic overall emotion! :smiley:


Thank you guys! I love to write melodies and I do it effortlessly following the progression I have… recently I watched Danish girl with my husband and listened to really beautiful melodies by Desplat whom i admire a lot! I will keep on doing what i like to do… we all need to be ourselves in everything we do…


Really lovely track. Great strings - love the build at the end as well.

thank you!! Now I will listen to it once more

Hi Julia,

I continue to enjoy your compositions! Do you use Logic Pro X?

I am curious about the meaning of the numerical values next to the chord names. C2 to me indicates C note one octave above middle C but I am not familiar with the other numbers.



Thank you, Tom. I use Ableton. I think I wrote it wrong. What I meant by C2 is the third inversion of the chord C7, BCEG. It starts with a second