My new project - scoring to a soccer stadium

Hi friends,
i was asked to compose a score to a small clip with pictures and videos of a soccer stadium.
So i started with staccato strings, panned to the left, filled up with staccato strings to the right at the second bar. Then i use winds and brass slightly growing up with the picture rising in the video. A piano plays C and F in different inversions in a deep octave every bar. A small melody line A and A’ with each 8 bars is used at the end, played by piano and brass. For the final i used Layers from Orchestral Tools to create a massive Wall of sound.
Im struggling with 2 things now. First i think i need a good bassline, and i tried some TAL Products. All i want is a smooth “wroooooooom” “wroom wroooooooooooom” in a deep C and F. What would you recommend?
Second is percussion. Should i use a Drumset or Taikos?
I know its hard to imagine, what im writing about, maybe i can upload a sample this evening.
@Mikael what is a good place to upload tracks in a working state. i dont want to use my soundclound for this.

Thanks guys, sorry for my bad english and some typos :slight_smile:



Hello Michael, in most cases I prefer to have all music in the “Your Music” section, even if it is demos or unfinished pieces. But seeing as you already wrote this great overview of what you are after, I think it is fitting that you add the actual track here now. :slight_smile:

Here is what i made of:

Thanks for listening