Looking for feedback in general

Hello everyone!

A year or so ago I met a now dear friend of mine at an online film music forum. As it turns out, I had never met anybody so genuinely interested and knowledgeable about film scores in general, and John Williams in particular, who is also a personal hero of mine.

Since our meeting each other, I have benefited from a wealth of incredibly useful feedback that I have gladly implemented, and I feel that my music has improved a lot thanks to our exchanges.

Maybe I am being greedy, but I thought I would give it a shot and try to repeat the happy accident. I am not looking for people with any type of knowledge in particular. The only characteristic I am looking for is for them to be passionate about film music and not mind sharing their honest, unfiltered opinion with me. If anyone is available to sporadically listen to a short film music clip, do write me a PM. I will be very happy to hear from you! Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Yes, I would be interested.

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shure! sounds like a great idea. chat me up anytime! Hope I can help

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Hey Kent! I just sent you an email via your website. Happy to be in contact with you :slight_smile: