Hi everyone, I would like to share this piece " Versailles "

Hello everyone,

Today I wanted to present a piece that is now a few years old “Versailles” (2020)

A classic piece, inspired by the Baroque era, with a mix of orchestral and medieval instruments.
I hope that you will like.

For this piece, I use my usual setup:

Lass, orchestral tools, Spitfire audio, (strg, Ww, brass, perc)
Also, old like synphonia or other.
Ps: cinebrass also, that I like very well

(for those interested, there is the tutorial for this piece on my youtube page (in French, sorry))


I always enjoy your music. This excellently express “le faste”, le déploiement et la rigueur de l’époque. Very well executed, both the instrumentation and musical phrases, the comings and going, the buildup and everything in between. Un morceau épique qui mérite les feux d’artifices à la fin!
Merci pour le partage.

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Filled with joy and expression without pretense or bombast. Triumphant and melodious at the same time!