"A Baneful Forest" New Track

Hello all again!
Here is the 2nd track from my album of Dark Fantasy/Mystery music, “A Baneful Forest.”

This track is a reworking of an uncompleted piece from a couple of years ago. The idea was to create a short piece of music that was to be used as the background music to a scene in a mystery/horror type of TV series, so it is intentionally short and more musically descriptive than having any real theme or melodic material.

This is in the key of D minor, harmonic minor with the added C#, in a 4/4 time, andante tempo. For most of the pieces on this album, I’ve been mostly using Orchestral Tool’s Berlin Orchestra, but this one used Spifire’s BBCSO–Strings, English Horn, Bassoon, two Horns, Timpani, Harp and Celeste. I also used OT’s Steinway D piano (this was before BBCSO piano was released). Again, I mixed this using Studio One’s Dolby Atmos spatial audio tool, leaving it in stereo however, instead of surround sound.


It is poetic and lyrical, I think, which expands the genre you are using. Enjoy your versatility!

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Thanks for taking a listen Dori!
