Seven Tears of Hope - Sweetwater

I thought your piece was was so good I sent it to a friend of mine who teaches music and is an expert on this type and she replied “Those warbly trumpets are brilliant! The use of the vocals here are very much typical of Morricone, both in a pulsing manner, and of course those soaring soprano obbligatos. Some of the Synth voices sound odd when they get out of the range. Strings are exceptional and I love the ending, that hanging chord is both sad and hopeful. The video could have been shot in areas around here, the wild horses, the river and sparse trees is very much the Great Basin where I live. The Sweetwaters are the mountain range right out my music room window. :-)”

My only comment is that I thought some of the dissonance at the end was a bit jarring but overall you really hit the mark. Sound design, use of instruments, emotion, sheer beauty of the piece and the fact that it is extremely interesting to listen to make this a real winner. Thanks for submitting it.


The trumpets totally sound like real players casually jamming out in here! The choir sounds are also realistic sounding and very nice! It definitely sounds like a Morricone score.


this is such a big honor for me, you can not imagine.

Thank you so much for your kind words, and also to your friend. I am really really happy you both liked my track - that means so much to me.

I wish you all the best,

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Thank you so much Justin, I really appreciate that and I am glad you liked my track.

Sincerely yours,

Authentic, no doubt.

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Well done, Michael. Very Morricone. I love the voices and the rythmic guitar. I’m not convinced by the first part and trumpets, but your piece is a great tribute. Congrats :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Very nice composition with all the right vibes! Really liking the sounds and production here as well.

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Thank you so much my friend @VSHDEL ,
I honestly love and appreciate your feedback - it means a lot to me!
The decision for the trumpets against the plucked mandolin (which is still present in the back) came while listening to other Spaghetti Western tracks, so I searched for something that sound like that. I finally decided for the LABS Trumpets. Like always there are artistic decisions, which could not always fit everyones taste. But we all are here for feedback, the more the better.
Thanks a lot,

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