REQUIEM, a solo for piano

I wrote REQUIEM for solo piano. The mood is set in a non relenting statement or plea, addressed to our humanity. It begins simply but is relentless in feeling throughout.
It is grand in its simplicity, tones and chords, emitting a sense of urgency, almost pleading message.
In these times of uncertainty, this simple but grand statement echos the fears, despondency of humanity at this moment. A simple message but grand in tone and relevance. Requiem, because much has been lost.


good one and nice description.

Huguette - nice to hear some solo piano hear and a piece with a straightforward sentiment and message. What type of piano did you use for the recording?


Nice to hear that and thanks.

Many thanks

In studio on a 9ft Steinway grand

Thanks. Interestingly the way it was mic’d makes it sound bright, almost like a Yamaha grand to me. Sounds like the left channel is a close mic to the strings and the right channel is a mic farther away as there is a time delay. Not sure if that was intentional, but gives a little bit of an artificial sound to it. I’d be curious to hear the impact on the mood of this piece with a perceptive a bit outside the lid, to soften some of the attacks and to give a bit more room sound. That said, your recording gives an intimate sound (yet at times impactive) which matches the mood intended in your comments. Congrats!

Welcome Huguette. Great option for a majestic feeling. wonderful piece, i just love it. It sounds beautiful. In my opinion, to be completely majestic it needs a main message with a clear and perfect resolution. Your song creates a precious enviroment, but with a bit of doubt and fear.
Impressive first song in our contests. I hope you decide to share your music in the following ones.

I was impressed by your choice of chords and harmonies. I am just a dabbler on the piano but it sounds to me like it took a lot of technical skill to do that. Your piece was confusing to me in that you have next to your name that you do Ambient music and that did not sound like ambient music to me. I think a majestic ambient piece would be great and hard and maybe Brian Eno’s is a bit majestic, like Music for Airports. If you meant it to be a more standard majestic piece I would have expected more of a melody, some counterpoint and perhaps a standard ABA or ABCA form. I think we are similar in that we write music that interests us, we are not interested in cutting and pasting samples and trying to be as innovative as possible while trying to fit into the scope of the competition. I am sorry that I did not see yours before the voting began and I suggest that you get your next one in as early as possible so you can get some feedback, which to me is the whole point of posting in this forum. Best of luck in the future and I hope are very successful with your future efforts. I also hope that you would be able to combine your talent and interest in ambient with more competitions. That would be incredible. Thanks for sharing!