Jurassic Park Contest - Nick Rivera

I wish I had more time to finish this score properly but COVID is kicking our staffs Butt. I hope you enjoy. Please critique and most importantly stay safe and creative!



Wow! I was not expecting that change, but it fit nicely and gave it a bit of a ‘jungle’ feel. Really cool!

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Really good cover Matt. The first part sounds like a version for a calm scene. An then the really interesting part starts but it lasts tooo little. I need more development. Good version

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Thanks. I wish I had more time to fill it out, but life…


You said Matt in the reply so just checking if this comment was for me? If so, I 100% agree with you.

Ooooops. Sure is for your piece. A brain interference because Matt write the previous reply :sweat_smile:. Excuse me NICK. Good luck.

I have listened to all the entries in a row, with a coment for each one, my brain just melted for a while :rofl::rofl:

No worries. lol Good luck to you also.

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