I’ve started streaming on Twitch!

Hey everyone!

I just thought I’d post to say that I have started to stream live on twitch. First one was last night and seemed to go really well. I’ve saved the live stream for edits and I’ll be uploading it to my YouTube later tonight.

But, if you would like to follow me on twitch then please feel free to click the link and follow :smiley: we would love to have you there!

Media man - Twitch account link


Twitch is a pretty coll platform, but how do you get people to watch your content? I’ve been streaming for a whole month but I have never seen more than 10 people watching my stream at the same time. How can I fix my problem?

Streaming is one of the few professions that allows for being natural and yourself, so why not use it? Which way you go depends only on you, but there is a certain streaming truth that can make it a bit easier for you. In this case, it means being regular. Aim to stream at specific hours, and set “your time” during which you will always be able to be found online. By having a clear vision of your channel and its audience, you will know how to communicate, attract more fans, and thus subsequent subscriptions and interest from brands. The more viewers you have, the easier it is to earn, so try to use getviews.org.